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Sugar Free Marshmallows

Sugar Free Marshmallows

Nothing says comfort like a cup of my protein hot chocolate with my healthy sugar free marshmallows floating in it!

To make my healthy sugar free marshmallows, I used Wholesome Yum liquid allulose!

Wholesome Yum brand of allulose is the best quality allulose and they even ship to Canada!

Wholesome Yum has the best quality natural sweeteners. Wholesome Yum also doesn’t use harmful additives like some brands!

I also love Wholesome Yum because they are also a kind small family-owned business. You all know I love supporting small business!

To watch a video on how EASY these keto sugar free marshmallows are to make, check out my Reel Video on my Instagram @mariaemmerich!


Sugar Free Marshmallows

Prep time

Cook time

Total time


  1. Lightly grease an 8-inch square baking dish with coconut oil. Place ½ cup of the water in a stand mixer (or in a large bowl if using a hand mixer) and whisk in the gelatin. Let sit for 1 minute to allow the gelatin to soften. Then turn the mixer on medium high to whip until the mixture looks like whipped egg whites.
  2. Heat the sweeteners and remaining ½ cup of water in a sauce pot over high heat, whisking continuously, until the mixture reaches 235°F to 240°F (soft ball stage), 3 to 5 minutes. Remove
  3. the pot from the heat and stir in the extracts.
  4. With the mixer on low speed, slowly add the hot syrup to the gelatin mixture. After all the syrup has been added, increase the speed to high and mix for about 5 minutes, until the marshmallow mixture has medium peaks (it will look like whipped egg whites).
  5. Working quickly to prevent the marshmallow mixture from setting up in the bowl, pour it into the prepared baking dish. Allow the marshmallow to set at room temperature, about 5 hours, then cut to the desired size. By the next day, the cut marshmallows will have dried out enough to resemble store-bought marshmallows. Store extras in an airtight container for up to a week.
Optional: Serve with my Protein Hot Chocolate

19 calories, 0g fat, 3g protein, 0.3g carbs, 0g fiber
P:E Ratio 10.0


“Hi Maria Emmerich and Craig Emmerich,

Today I’m 8.2#s away from my145#s goal. I was over 205# at my highest down to 153.2#s today.! 

Twice in my life I have been over 200#s , both due to stress and life changes. However I never felt like this during weight loss, and certainly didn’t want to continue eating in the same way after losing the weight.

My sincere thank you, for the knowledge to change my life. I have more energy, less brain fog, even my upbeat attitude is back, and I’m shopping in my closet, there are so many more positive benefits.Let me not forget to mention the excellent recipes and products you have introduced to me which makes it easier to eat this way.

I so appreciate the research you share, and the amazing support you provide on-line, through your website ( and the social networks. It is an amazing community.” Michele

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Published at Sat, 22 Jan 2022 10:57:14 +0000