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Is there a trick to using almond flour for fried chicken? Mine turned out mushy instead of crispy.

Is there a trick to using almond flour for fried chicken? Mine turned out mushy instead of crispy.

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The Keto Cookbook

The Keto Cookbook

The Keto Cookbook
Only the Best Keto Recipes

Keto Pancakes Recipe
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<h2>The Best Keto Pancakes Recipe in the World</h2>
<h3>You haven’t tried&nbsp;proper keto pancakes until you have tried these!</h3>
<p>Once upon a time, keto pancakes didn’t exist, and being on a diet meant you had to give up pretty much all of life’s culinary pleasures. Cakes, cookies, crisps, chocolate. The list is endless – and for some strange reason the food always seems to begin with the letter “c”.</p>
<p>Time to move on!</p>
<p>As the ketogenic diet got more popular, people began to experiment&nbsp;with their recipes more and more.&nbsp; Thankfully nutritionists discovered wonderful substitutes that experimental chefs could use to create something new. And, no, it’s not the cronut! (although that mightn’t be a bad idea!). But instead, keto friendly of comfort food we all deserve to enjoy.</p>
<p>With the creation of wonderful ingredients&nbsp;such as <a href=””>Liquid Stevia</a>, and alternative flours such as Coconut Flour and Almond Flour becoming more popular, it became easier to create for those on a keto diet to enjoy a nice plate of fluffy keto pancakes on a Sunday morning!</p>
<p>But I don’t just want to give you keto pancakes. I want to give you pancakes that make you scream “Hallelujah!” when you realize it’s 6:30am on a weekend and you can’t get back to sleep. So, just for you, I’ve experimented and experimented and finally come up with the best keto pancakes recipe in the world.</p>
<p><a href=”;rfsn=1425672.ac6d5&amp;utm_source=refersion&amp;utm_medium=affiliate&amp;utm_campaign=1425672.ac6d5″><img decoding=”async” class=”aligncenter wp-image-2412 size-full” src=”” alt=”keto starter pack” width=”300″ height=”250″></a></p><noscript><img decoding=”async” class=”aligncenter wp-image-2412 size-full” src=”” alt=”keto starter pack” width=”300″ height=”250″></noscript>
<h3>My Pancakes</h3>
<p>I’m not going to lie to you. It took a lot of time cleaning up my messy kitchen before I finally cracked it. Sometimes the recipe was too eggy, too cream-cheesy, or just plain dry. And that wasn’t good enough. But now by moderating some of the ingredients, I’m proud to say, that these are the healthiest, tastiest keto pancakes I’ve ever tried.</p>
<p>As well as being super low carb, these are also gluten-free, which is perfect for anyone suffering dietary intolerances. Have I already mentioned that they’re also <strong>delicious</strong>? They’re very easy to make, and use regular keto ingredients such as cream cheese, eggs, coconut flour, and almond milk. The flavor comes from a little sweetener, vanilla extract and a dash of cinnamon.</p>
<p>Coming in at 70 calories, 3g of fat, 6.1g of protein, 2.2g of carbs and only 1 measly gram of sugar, these pancakes are perfect for ANYONE. Counting calories? Lowering sugar? Upping your protein? No problem. These pancakes are perfect for you.</p>
<p>Trust me when I say these delicious pancakes are very similar to the real thing. They’re perfect for serving with tasty, crispy bacon and topping them with peanut butter really helps increase the quantity of protein too. My favorite toppings though, have to be sugar-free maple syrup. Sound too good to be true? Google <a href=””>Joseph’s Maple Syrup</a> and you’ll believe me.</p>
<p>So, if you’re after the healthy, quickest and most delicious around, look no further! These fluffy keto pancakes are a force to be reckoned with.</p>
<p>P.S. If almond flour isn’t your thing, we make these&nbsp;<a href=””>keto pancakes with Carbquick</a> instead.</p>

<p>(Visited 231,301 times, 1 visits today)</p> Tue, 03 Mar 2020 08:27:06 +0000 The Keto Cookbook
Keto Breakfast Recipes

Keto Southern Fried Chicken Tenders
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<h2>The Best Keto Southern Fried Chicken Tenders Recipe</h2>
<h3><strong>The Dark Side</strong></h3>
<p>Want to discover the best keto southern fried chicken tenders recipe? Well, let me give you a bit of background first.</p>
<p>Southern fried chicken, keto or not, is the ultimate weeknight meal. <span lang=”EN-US”>Crunchy and flavorful, the best and most delicious tenders are usually created from a homemade recipe</span>. This is because you can cover them in the types of seasoning your heart desires most. Furthermore, children just love dunking these dippers into a range of condiments (mayo, Franks Hot Sauce or Blue Cheese&nbsp;Dip are our favorites). Whilst more experienced palates experiment with sauces such as spicy peanut or chili.</p>
<p>There is, though, one teeny tiny little problem with regular fried chicken. This is due to the little strips being horrifically bad for anyone on the ketogenic diet. The coating&nbsp;is essentially a carb blanket and will have you out of ketosis&nbsp;super&nbsp;fast. That’s&nbsp;where these keto fried chicken tenders come in.</p>
<p>Regular southern fried chicken is dredged in flour, before it is deep-fried, resulting in a meal that is packed with carbs. While they can be delicious, they are definitely not the friend of someone who is on the ketogenic diet.</p>
<p>So, what is a person to do? Well, lucky for you, I have successfully found a way to enjoy this popular Southern-style cuisine, but without carbs!<br><a href=”;rfsn=1425672.ac6d5&amp;utm_source=refersion&amp;utm_medium=affiliate&amp;utm_campaign=1425672.ac6d5″><img decoding=”async” class=”aligncenter wp-image-2412 size-full” src=”” alt=”keto starter pack” width=”300″ height=”250″></a></p><noscript><img decoding=”async” class=”aligncenter wp-image-2412 size-full” src=”” alt=”keto starter pack” width=”300″ height=”250″></noscript>
<h3><strong>The Lighter Side</strong></h3>
<p>Here, right on this page, is the best keto southern fried chicken tenders recipe around. Let me tell you why. Firstly, I make them with almond flour, which means they are gluten-free. Secondly, I bake rather than fry, which means you never even go near any unhealthy fats. And finally, these little beauties are so much easier and safer to make. As there’s no hot oil, there’s less of a chance of burning your skin. Plus, there’s no chance of you ever ending up with soggy chicken that has absorbed more oil than it should have done.</p>
<p>Let’s move onto the stats. These tenders only come in at a total of 365 calories, whereas regular fried chicken can cost you more than double that amount. And even though they contain 21 grams of fat, these fats are actually the healthy kind, as they come from the almond flour and protein-filled eggs. Speaking of protein, they have a MASSIVE 38.5 grams. That’s enough to keep you going for several hours!</p>
<p>As mentioned previously, there are practically no carbs and the net amount is 3.5 grams. Finally, there is only 1 gram of sugar in the whole recipe! One measly gram! Which means you won’t experience those rollercoaster ups and downs of tiredness.</p>
<p>Sounds too good to be true? Well, how about you try the best keto southern fried chicken tenders recipe this weekend, along with our tasty keto blue cheese dip? Go on, we dare you!</p>
<p><strong>Not a fan of almond flour? No problem! Check out our alternative recipe for <a href=””>Keto Southern Fried Chicken</a>.&nbsp;</strong></p>
<p><strong>(Updated 21 January 2019)</strong></p>

<p>(Visited 279,778 times, 3 visits today)</p> Tue, 03 Mar 2020 08:24:09 +0000 The Keto Cookbook
Keto Chicken Recipes
Keto Dinner Recipes
Keto Lunch Recipes

Keto Peanut Butter Fudge Fat Bombs
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<h2><strong>The Best Keto Peanut Butter Fudge Fat Bombs Recipe</strong></h2>
<h3><strong>You Need This In Your Life Right Now!</strong></h3>
<p>Fudge is the definition of culinary perfection. It can be crunchy or soft. Chewy or smooth. Rich or simple. And the list of flavors you can add is endless. From chocolate to lemon and salt to vanilla, even if you completely mess up the recipe by undercooking or overcooking, you’re still guaranteed to be left with a delicious treat. Don’t even get us started on the additions to can have either. Oreos. Freeze dried fruit. Raisins … oh man, rum and raisin fudge is SO good.</p>
<p>But right now we have to crush your dreams. Because if you’re trying to limit your carbohydrates and increase your protein, fudge is off limits. So, for individuals following the keto or Atkins diet, it’s a case of saying, “Bye, Bye. I hope I don’t see you in my dreams because otherwise, I might eat my pillow.”</p>
<p>Or is it?</p>
<p>Because here at The Keto Cookbook, we have discovered carbohydrate free fudge. Yep, you heard us. No sugar, no condensed milk, and a truly awesome flavor. So let us introduce you to the best keto peanut butter fudge fat bombs recipe on Earth.</p>
<h3><strong>Recipe Information</strong></h3>
<p>This recipe is a little piece of magic. It only contains five ingredients, which include peanut butter (obvs.), coconut oil, sweetener (we like to use stevia), vanilla and chopped peanuts. The peanut butter gives this recipe a lovely creamy flavor, whilst the chopped peanuts help add a tasty crunch. What’s even better, is that all these products are available in your local store. So, you don’t have to go trapesing to Hawaii to spend hours of your time scooping out coconuts.</p>
<p>It also only takes 10 minutes to make. Ten minutes! And two out of those ten minutes are even spent microwaving! Amazing, right? The recipe even makes twenty fudgy pieces, which is perfect if you’re wanting to bulk make snacks, or are just attending a garden party and needing to bring some food. They’re also a perfect dessert for keeping in the fridge, so if after lunch or dinner you’re in need of little sweet something, you don’t need to look very far. And did we mention they contain peanut butter? Which means they’re just perfect for lovers of this nutty spread.</p>
<h3><strong>Nutritional Information</strong></h3>
<p>These little nutty chunks are ultimate fat bombs and are perfect if you’re desperate to get your macros in check. For example, out of the 130 calories that they contain, each piece has 87% of fatty deliciousness. Result! Furthermore, as they contain 0.5 grams of sugar and 0.5 grams of net carbs, they’re perfect for absolutely everyone. Even if you’re not watching your weight or lowering your sugar, these bad boys are wonderfully addictive!</p>
<p>Convinced you to get in the kitchen yet? We thought so. Remember, let us know how you get on in the comments. We always love to hear your experiences and if you manage to think of any other ingredients worth adding, but we think this keto peanut butter fudge fat bombs recipe is near perfection!</p>
<p>If Peanut Butter Fudge Fat Bombs aren’t your thing, then be sure to try out our <a href=””>Almond Joy Fat Bombs!</a></p>
<p>(Visited 28,690 times, 1 visits today)</p> Sun, 01 Mar 2020 12:07:12 +0000 The Keto Cookbook
Keto Dessert Recipes

Keto Bacon and Egg Cups
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<h2>The Best Keto Bacon and Egg Cups Recipe</h2>
<h3><strong>Bacon, Bacon and More Bacon</strong></h3>
<p>This page is dedicated to the best “Keto Bacon and Egg Cups” recipe on the Internet. But before we tell you the delicious secrets about this recipe, let’s step back for a minute.</p>
<p>You may not believe me, but there are a huge amount of yummy benefits to being on a ketogenic diet. And one of those benefits is eating lots of sweet, sweet bacon. We’ve heard about bacon “dangers”, as it can cause high cholesterol, but no one ever seems to mention the benefits.</p>
<p>For example, did you know that bacon actually contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are the same nutrients found in fish? And it’s these particular fatty acids that actually <em>help </em>protect the heart and keep it functioning correctly. Bacon also contains a lot of a nutrient called choline. This nutrient is particularly important for memory and intelligence and scientists have even found it can help fight off mental impairments such as Alzheimer’s disease. Amazing, right?</p>
<p>So, now we’ve discovered the benefits of bacon, let’s move on to the recipe.</p>
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<h3><strong>Recipe Benefits</strong></h3>
<p>What you should know about this delicious recipe, is that it’s full of the all-important protein keto dieters need. This is not only due to the lack of sugary carbohydrates, but because it’s main ingredients are bacon (you guessed it!), eggs and cheese. And just to let you know, it’s pretty much impossible to find three ingredients that contain as much protein as these. So, for anyone trying to get their fat intake up, whilst keeping their other macros down, these little cups are perfect.</p>
<p>We recommend eating these for breakfast, as they’re very quick to make. For example, there’s only four steps to the entire recipe, whilst our last step is just a top tip to learn how to cook the eggs exactly as you like them. They’re also perfect as a protein filled snack if you’re having a particularly ravenous morning or evening.</p>
<p>Even though they take 25 minutes to prepare, twenty minutes of that is actually cooking time! Result! If you’re always in a bit of a rush, though, feel free to cook these in bulk and freeze them. It will save you so much time, that you can then spend on more important activities, such as caring for your kids or having extra leisure time!&nbsp;<span lang=”EN-US”>Be careful if you wish to recook these, however. Make sure they have fully defrosted and are piping hot when taking them out of the oven. You can test the temperature with a kitchen utensil and don’t burn yourself by eating them right away.</span></p>
<h3><strong>Nutritional Information</strong></h3>
<p>Now for the stats. These keto bacon and egg cups have 210 calories per cup, and you’re getting 15 grams of protein, and 16 grams of fat. Even better, they only contain zero carbs, which is just incredible for keto! It also makes them perfect for anyone who has dietary intolerances and is, for example, gluten-free.</p>
<p>So, what are you waiting for! All you need is five minutes of your time to prepare this dish and then you can have a tasty, ketogenic snack, breakfast or brunch any time you want. Wonderful? We think so too.</p>
<p><strong>&lt;&lt;Nutritional Info is ‘Per Cup’&gt;&gt;</strong></p>
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<p>(Visited 209,027 times, 11 visits today)</p> Mon, 20 Jan 2020 13:20:31 +0000 The Keto Cookbook
Keto Breakfast Recipes
Keto Snacks

Buffalo Crack Chicken and Cauliflower Casserole
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<h2><strong>The Best Buffalo Crack Chicken and Cauliflower Casserole Recipe</strong></h2>
<h3><strong>Sweet, Sweet Casserole</strong><strong>&nbsp;</strong></h3>
<p>I know what you’re thinking. The best buffalo crack chicken and cauliflower casserole recipe. There’s one word that stands out isn’t there? You guessed it – crack! Well don’t worry, here at the Keto Cookbook we are not encouraging you to experiment with illegal ingredients! But because this chicken recipe tastes SO addictive, we had to name it accordingly.</p>
<p>So, if you’re after a rich sauce, full of creamy flavor, you’ve come to the right place!</p>
<p>A casserole is one of those dishes that can save pretty much any cooking disaster. It’s also one of those comforting meals that bring back lots of family memories, as it’s usually served on a weeknight after a long day at work or school. It’s even unbelievably easy to make. As apart from a bit of chopping, you can sit back, relax and leave it to do its magic in the oven.</p>
<p>But often these types of dishes are loaded with ingredients we don’t really need. For example, many people like to cover the delicious meat and veggies with a breadcrumb topping, which not only adds extra calories, but means people who are restricting carbohydrates (such as those following a keto diet) or those who have dietary intolerances and can’t eat gluten, are unable to enjoy this traditional dish.</p>
<p><a href=”;rfsn=1425672.ac6d5&amp;utm_source=refersion&amp;utm_medium=affiliate&amp;utm_campaign=1425672.ac6d5″><img decoding=”async” class=”aligncenter wp-image-2412 size-full” src=”” alt=”keto starter pack” width=”300″ height=”250″></a></p><noscript><img decoding=”async” class=”aligncenter wp-image-2412 size-full” src=”” alt=”keto starter pack” width=”300″ height=”250″></noscript>
<p>However, here at The Keto Cookbook, we’ve got the perfect solution! We’ve created a recipe with a buffalo twist, which only needs six ingredients and one of those is optional. These include chicken breast, cream cheese, mozzarella, cheddar, cauliflower, and we also love to add Franks Hot Sauce. If you’re vegetarian, you can even swap the chicken for non-starchy, chunky vegetable, or even meaty style cheeses such as delicious halloumi.</p>
<h3><strong>Recipe Information</strong></h3>
<p>You may have noticed that it takes just under 9 hours to cook. But not to fear! This is not nine hours of food preparation. Preparing the ingredients is actually very quick and the vast majority of this time is leaving the ingredients to cook in a slow cooker. We recommended making the recipe this way, as slow cooking gives the flavors within the ingredients a chance to increase in richness. It also serves six adults, so it really is a great family recipe.</p>
<p>Finally, let’s talk about nutrition. Although at 496 calories this recipe is not particularly heavy going, we recommend eating this at dinner time. This is because it contains a whopping 39 grams of protein, which is sure to keep you going until breakfast next day. Sugar is quite high at 6 grams, but if you forgo the hot sauce, this will bring the number right down. Finally, it only had 7 grams of net carbs, which means Atkins and keto dieters can rejoice.</p>
<p>So, there you have it! The best buffalo crack chicken and cauliflower casserole recipe. Just to give you a tip, this tastes particularly great when topped off with our delicious Keto Blue Cheese dressing. You can find the recipe here: <strong>LINK</strong></p>
<p>(Visited 70,526 times, 1 visits today)</p> Fri, 03 Jan 2020 11:18:37 +0000 The Keto Cookbook
Keto Dinner Recipes
Keto Lunch Recipes

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