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Protein Sparing Cinnamon Chips and Dip

Protein Sparing Cinnamon Chips and Dip

Many of my clients tell me they miss a crunchy snack on the keto diet or doing a protein sparing modified fasting day. This is the main reason I wanted to write this delicious protein packed recipe for all of you!

These healthy cinnamon chips are easy to make and will satisfy your desire for a crunchy snack!

My protein sparing cinnamon chips are easy to make, crispy, loaded with a spicy sweetness, and are perfect for a protein sparing dessert or we even ate them for breakfast! When Kai asked to eat my protein cinnamon chips and dip, I thought, why not? The cinnamon chips are made with egg whites and the dip is all protein!

To make my cinnamon chips, I used the NEW sweet cinnamon egglife egg white wraps which I know will become a new family favorite grocery item for you!

I love the new sweet cinnamon egglife egg white wraps for many reasons!

1. They are made with healthy ingredients!

Sweet cinnamon egglife wraps are high in protein and free of sugar & gluten – plus, they only have 1g carbs.

2. They are a great Protein Sparing Modified Fasting item!

They are zero fat and the sweet cinnamon egglife wraps are only 1g carb which makes them all protein! Perfect for PSMF days! They work great for making protein sparing cinnamon chips!

3. They are dairy free and gluten free!

4. The plain wraps are only 30 calories, 5g protein and 0g fat and ZERO sugar!

5. These cinnamon wraps are super sturdy – you can easily fill, fold, and bend the wraps, just like a traditional tortilla and they make delicious protein sparing cinnamon chips!

Published at Wed, 05 Jan 2022 17:36:13 +0000